Teresa Bumpus posted pictures of the T.O. / COS Picnic held on 19 May 2013, and can be seen at: http://www5.snapfish.com/snapfish/share/p=7851191369006668357/l=15897784014/g=118168622/cobrandOid=1000/campaignName=ShareeNewReg_30FreePrints_2010Feb/otsc=SYE/otsi=SANR
Plans are in the works for the first annual T.O. and COS family picnic.
The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 19, 2013 @ Fernback Park.
A committee which includes Marc Dietz, Bob Harper, Andy Patton, John Cruize, Doug Berling, Ray Childs, Brian Trimborn, Don Albert, Bill Rothan, Chuck Cummins, et. al. will meet soon to discuss specifics.
The event will be FAMILY friendly with activities for kids & adults.
Mark your calendar now; More details to follow.
See you May 19.
Ken Kay
When: Sunday, May 19th, 2013
Where: Fernbank Park, 7100 River Road, Saylor Park, Ohio
Time: 12 Noon to 8:00 PM
Information Links and Map: