T.O. Memorabilia
Below are a variety of pictures and files of Historical T.O. Memorabilia. We hope that there is more out there, so if you happen to have something to add please go to the Contact Link and let us know.
It would be great if you are able to send it electronically as an e-mail attachment, but if not, we can make other arrangements.
Al Lamb (Class of 1945) 1943 Yearbook Signing
Amendments Passed
Ritual for Informal
Sign of Members
T.O. Constitution
T.O. Letterhead
Installation Oath of Officers
Roll Call
Sign of Officers
T.O. Forms
T.O. Members (Undated)
Rushee Letter (1977-1978)
Tau Sigma Chi (Tausia) Letter
Historical Letter (Undated)
Pledge Calendar (1977-1978)
T.O. Lyrics
T.O. Pledge Summons (Dave Krause)
T.O. Pledge Summons (Ken Kay)
T.O. Jacket and Paddle
T.O. Mug (Front)
T.O. Mug (Back)
T.O. Drink and Drown Poster
Assorted Memorabilia and Pictures
The Esoteric Fraternity of Triginta Optimi
Chuck Rothenbush (Class of 1962)
Letter from Dick Hauck (Class of 1947)
- Coach Dick Hauck in the 1952 Withrow Yearbook
Sean Kinney 1977 Yearbook Entry
Robert Harper "The Esoteric Fraternity of Triginta Optimi" Certificate
From the Gamble Junior High School 1971 Yodeler (Several T.O.'s are on it) (Provided by: Jill Wagner Lepolt)
100 Year Medallion
T.O. Mug (Courtesy of John Custer, Class of 1963)
T.O. Tie Clasp (Courtesy of John Custer, Class of 1963)
Chapter IV (Withrow) T.O. Patch (Rollie [Wally} Walriven): Courtesy of Karen "Flipper" Krause (Notice the reverse colors)
1952 Football Program (West Hi vs. Purcell)
Number 39 (Lack)
T.O. Christmas Ornament (Courtesy of Darlene and John Bayer (Class of 1977)
New: Chuck Cummins and Bob Harper (~1974)
New: Dave Krause and Doug Berling (~1974)
New: Doug Berling, Bob Herbers, and Dave Krause (~1974)
T.O. Historian Book: Courtesy of Ken Kay and John Huff (In .PDF - Click on Blue Text for Download)
Interesting bit of information regarding Ormond T. Greenland, Chapter I, Class of 1915 who wrote and composed the T.O. Founder's Day Song. Obviously, quite a musician, but recently found another piece of music he wrote titled "Melody Girl". Click here for the sheet music, and then click here for the Midi audio file. More information regarding this piece of music can be found at: http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/20734
Here is a picture of "Flipper" (Karen) Krause's Mom's cousin Rollie "Pedro" Walriven who was a T.O., Chapter IV, Class of 1953. (Click here for new picture.) Not only a great picture, but Rollie still has his Classic and Rare T.O. Pin, and probably the only one in existence. (Click here to View.)
It would be great if you are able to send it electronically as an e-mail attachment, but if not, we can make other arrangements.
Al Lamb (Class of 1945) 1943 Yearbook Signing
Amendments Passed
Ritual for Informal
Sign of Members
T.O. Constitution
T.O. Letterhead
Installation Oath of Officers
Roll Call
Sign of Officers
T.O. Forms
T.O. Members (Undated)
Rushee Letter (1977-1978)
Tau Sigma Chi (Tausia) Letter
Historical Letter (Undated)
Pledge Calendar (1977-1978)
T.O. Lyrics
T.O. Pledge Summons (Dave Krause)
T.O. Pledge Summons (Ken Kay)
T.O. Jacket and Paddle
T.O. Mug (Front)
T.O. Mug (Back)
T.O. Drink and Drown Poster
Assorted Memorabilia and Pictures
The Esoteric Fraternity of Triginta Optimi
Chuck Rothenbush (Class of 1962)
Letter from Dick Hauck (Class of 1947)
- Coach Dick Hauck in the 1952 Withrow Yearbook
Sean Kinney 1977 Yearbook Entry
Robert Harper "The Esoteric Fraternity of Triginta Optimi" Certificate
From the Gamble Junior High School 1971 Yodeler (Several T.O.'s are on it) (Provided by: Jill Wagner Lepolt)
100 Year Medallion
T.O. Mug (Courtesy of John Custer, Class of 1963)
T.O. Tie Clasp (Courtesy of John Custer, Class of 1963)
Chapter IV (Withrow) T.O. Patch (Rollie [Wally} Walriven): Courtesy of Karen "Flipper" Krause (Notice the reverse colors)
1952 Football Program (West Hi vs. Purcell)
Number 39 (Lack)
T.O. Christmas Ornament (Courtesy of Darlene and John Bayer (Class of 1977)
New: Chuck Cummins and Bob Harper (~1974)
New: Dave Krause and Doug Berling (~1974)
New: Doug Berling, Bob Herbers, and Dave Krause (~1974)
T.O. Historian Book: Courtesy of Ken Kay and John Huff (In .PDF - Click on Blue Text for Download)
Interesting bit of information regarding Ormond T. Greenland, Chapter I, Class of 1915 who wrote and composed the T.O. Founder's Day Song. Obviously, quite a musician, but recently found another piece of music he wrote titled "Melody Girl". Click here for the sheet music, and then click here for the Midi audio file. More information regarding this piece of music can be found at: http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/20734
Here is a picture of "Flipper" (Karen) Krause's Mom's cousin Rollie "Pedro" Walriven who was a T.O., Chapter IV, Class of 1953. (Click here for new picture.) Not only a great picture, but Rollie still has his Classic and Rare T.O. Pin, and probably the only one in existence. (Click here to View.)