"I Remember When..."
Do you have a story, or a particular T.O. related event you would like to share?
Please do, by submitting it via the Contact Link.
Below are a few...
Doug Vetter, Class of 1974, Chapter II: I lived in "Deep Price Hill" on Price Ave across from "Dempsey Park".....My best Friends Were John Andrews & Doug Berling, We were in Phi Delta Sigma (PDS) Land & we never heard about T.O. ever !! My Sister went to Seton & was Dating a T.O.(Kevin Hunt '72) & he told Me about T.O. & I told John & Doug..... Well we went to the 1st Rush Party at Lee Park in Saylor Park & liked it !! Well we were thought of as Traitors in Price Hill, because everyone living there were expected to pledge P.D.S. But we Chose T.O......Doug Berling Pledged the next year because he was a year younger!! One Sunday, Johnny & I wanted to "Skip" out on Pledging & living so far away from the Majority of the T.O.'s in Cheviot....Said "they will Never Know & come down here" after we Called in...!! Johnny came up my house & said "The Coast is Clear" so we said "lets go over to the Park just incase they come down here to one of our houses" !! As We left my house on Price Ave... we got out on the Street & Frater John Durbin was sitting up the Street ...."WAITING" for us!!! Boom !! That Day we got our "ASSES" Kicked.....Never did that Again !! Great memories....Love all my "Buddy Fraters" & the "1972 Pledge Class"...Under Howie Stewart ( Rex-Regum "72) !! Doug Vetter( Rex- Regum 1975) !!
Clyde "Shrick" Schrickel, Class of 1944, Chapter IV
- "It was on the way home from a fraternity meeting that I heard of Pearl Harbor. Life was different after that."
Glenn "Skipper Ryle" Schnitker, Class of 1944, Chapter II (Received from Glenn's Son, Steve Schnitker)
- "Reference Glenn Schnitker class of 1944. He actually left school early to enlist in the Marines for WWII service. In combat on several islands. His diploma was mailed to his parents (my grandparents). He was called back to active duty for Korea."
Marty "Welg" McMullen, Class of 1959, Chapter II
- "...when I was pledging TO as a sophomore, I was having doubts about the whole thing. I used to ride to school sometimes with Mike [Michael McMillan, Class of 1958] and I was expressing my doubts to him. He listened patiently and told me not to worry. I'd be okay. He said that he'd gone through the same thing when he was pledging. When we got to school he put ten gigs (swats) in my gig book for 'insubordination' but at informal he never gave me the swats."
Chuck Arthur, Class of 1974, Chapter II
- When I got home from Hell Night, I was (like all the other new T.O.'s) a pitiful sight. My dad looked at me with a bit of concern and said "Damn son, are you all right?" I replied: "I'm fine Dad, and I made it - I'm a T.O.!"
Tom Carroll, Class of 1960, Chapter II (In reference to the T.O. / COS May Outing Poster - Please see Upcoming Events)
- In high school, for some reason the COS fraternity was called the "Flyboys"....no one quite knows why, but it was an insult. In return, the COS boys called us the "Helicopters" (probably a reference to the T.O. logo. This was an insult as well.
- So...in the spirit of reconciliation I chose the Osprey aircraft to tow the banner...the Osprey is an aircraft that is part helocopter and part fixed wing........there is always deeper meaning in great art.
- Also, at the meeting I deliberately made a joke about "flying" in order to see who would reveal their arrested development by taking offense. Andy Patton and Ray Childs both blanched...as though I had said the N word or something.......disappointing....tc
Robert Reusing, Class of 1966, Chapter II (In reference to his picture in the 1966 Western Hills Yearbook with an Army Recruiter)
- Yes I did join The United States Marine Corps. By my picture in the yearbook you would think I was in decent shape, but no I earned PFC out of boot for being AJ squared away,and losing 60 pounds. I went to San Diego for boot camp and stayed another 12 months for radio repair and operator school. Trained with Force Recon and even got slimmer. Spent 13 months in Nam Oct 67 to Nov 68, in fact I left Nam on Thanksgiving day and was thinking about the West Hi - Elder game. Living in Florida now, love the warm weather...Semper Fi do or die RRR
- Just thought you might want hear a funny story. Good night Chesty were ever you are was a favorite saying of our DI's. Nov 10 1966 Chesty came to San Diego, we even had to clean the springs on our racks. He was very frail and in a wheelchair but goosebumps went up every Marine's arm that day. So this year my older brother,also,a Marine visited Chesty's grave site in Saluda Virginia. It is in a very small cemetery. The care taker said many Marines visit the grave to pay respects and take it off their bucket list. Have a great day, I will be returning to Cinti in Aug ,maybe we could have a drink? Semper Fi RRR
(Chesty Puller Link: LTG Lewis Burwell “Chesty” Puller (1898-1971) - Find a Grave Memorial
Please do, by submitting it via the Contact Link.
Below are a few...
Doug Vetter, Class of 1974, Chapter II: I lived in "Deep Price Hill" on Price Ave across from "Dempsey Park".....My best Friends Were John Andrews & Doug Berling, We were in Phi Delta Sigma (PDS) Land & we never heard about T.O. ever !! My Sister went to Seton & was Dating a T.O.(Kevin Hunt '72) & he told Me about T.O. & I told John & Doug..... Well we went to the 1st Rush Party at Lee Park in Saylor Park & liked it !! Well we were thought of as Traitors in Price Hill, because everyone living there were expected to pledge P.D.S. But we Chose T.O......Doug Berling Pledged the next year because he was a year younger!! One Sunday, Johnny & I wanted to "Skip" out on Pledging & living so far away from the Majority of the T.O.'s in Cheviot....Said "they will Never Know & come down here" after we Called in...!! Johnny came up my house & said "The Coast is Clear" so we said "lets go over to the Park just incase they come down here to one of our houses" !! As We left my house on Price Ave... we got out on the Street & Frater John Durbin was sitting up the Street ...."WAITING" for us!!! Boom !! That Day we got our "ASSES" Kicked.....Never did that Again !! Great memories....Love all my "Buddy Fraters" & the "1972 Pledge Class"...Under Howie Stewart ( Rex-Regum "72) !! Doug Vetter( Rex- Regum 1975) !!
Clyde "Shrick" Schrickel, Class of 1944, Chapter IV
- "It was on the way home from a fraternity meeting that I heard of Pearl Harbor. Life was different after that."
Glenn "Skipper Ryle" Schnitker, Class of 1944, Chapter II (Received from Glenn's Son, Steve Schnitker)
- "Reference Glenn Schnitker class of 1944. He actually left school early to enlist in the Marines for WWII service. In combat on several islands. His diploma was mailed to his parents (my grandparents). He was called back to active duty for Korea."
Marty "Welg" McMullen, Class of 1959, Chapter II
- "...when I was pledging TO as a sophomore, I was having doubts about the whole thing. I used to ride to school sometimes with Mike [Michael McMillan, Class of 1958] and I was expressing my doubts to him. He listened patiently and told me not to worry. I'd be okay. He said that he'd gone through the same thing when he was pledging. When we got to school he put ten gigs (swats) in my gig book for 'insubordination' but at informal he never gave me the swats."
Chuck Arthur, Class of 1974, Chapter II
- When I got home from Hell Night, I was (like all the other new T.O.'s) a pitiful sight. My dad looked at me with a bit of concern and said "Damn son, are you all right?" I replied: "I'm fine Dad, and I made it - I'm a T.O.!"
Tom Carroll, Class of 1960, Chapter II (In reference to the T.O. / COS May Outing Poster - Please see Upcoming Events)
- In high school, for some reason the COS fraternity was called the "Flyboys"....no one quite knows why, but it was an insult. In return, the COS boys called us the "Helicopters" (probably a reference to the T.O. logo. This was an insult as well.
- So...in the spirit of reconciliation I chose the Osprey aircraft to tow the banner...the Osprey is an aircraft that is part helocopter and part fixed wing........there is always deeper meaning in great art.
- Also, at the meeting I deliberately made a joke about "flying" in order to see who would reveal their arrested development by taking offense. Andy Patton and Ray Childs both blanched...as though I had said the N word or something.......disappointing....tc
Robert Reusing, Class of 1966, Chapter II (In reference to his picture in the 1966 Western Hills Yearbook with an Army Recruiter)
- Yes I did join The United States Marine Corps. By my picture in the yearbook you would think I was in decent shape, but no I earned PFC out of boot for being AJ squared away,and losing 60 pounds. I went to San Diego for boot camp and stayed another 12 months for radio repair and operator school. Trained with Force Recon and even got slimmer. Spent 13 months in Nam Oct 67 to Nov 68, in fact I left Nam on Thanksgiving day and was thinking about the West Hi - Elder game. Living in Florida now, love the warm weather...Semper Fi do or die RRR
- Just thought you might want hear a funny story. Good night Chesty were ever you are was a favorite saying of our DI's. Nov 10 1966 Chesty came to San Diego, we even had to clean the springs on our racks. He was very frail and in a wheelchair but goosebumps went up every Marine's arm that day. So this year my older brother,also,a Marine visited Chesty's grave site in Saluda Virginia. It is in a very small cemetery. The care taker said many Marines visit the grave to pay respects and take it off their bucket list. Have a great day, I will be returning to Cinti in Aug ,maybe we could have a drink? Semper Fi RRR
(Chesty Puller Link: LTG Lewis Burwell “Chesty” Puller (1898-1971) - Find a Grave Memorial